October 18, 2024

It’s shameful to get a bad smile with the yellowish teeth. Stains are easily noticed on the tooth’s enamel so it’s a stuff that needs to be addressed. Just like any other facial problems as blemishes and pimples, stained and discolored teeth can be cured. Prior to the remedies and other treatment, it is advised to consult a dentist or cosmetic dentist to address the problem appropriately.

Further, you must also know the causes of teeth discoloration. There are generally two types of stains to mention: the extrinsic and intrinsic stain of the teeth. The former means a visible stain on the surface of enamel’s teeth. This is due to the accumulated stains from the food, dark colored drinks, tobacco, and the wear and tear of the teeth. Most of the extrinsic stains can be treated easily by daily brushing with the use of abrasive-formulated toothpaste. This can simply be treated by visiting the cosmetic dental clinic with the prophylactic application or through teeth whitening treatments.

On the other hand, the intrinsic stains are more difficult to deal with and can be treated to a longer span of time. Intrinsic stain is an interior stain in between of deeply rooted on the teeth. This can be a result trauma, aging, exposure to tetracycline, excessive ingestion of the fluoride. The treatment for this kind of stain can be more though, but a careful bleaching will be effective.  Trained cosmetic dentistry professionals proved that even a deeply engraved intrinsic stain can be addressed by an in office whitening teeth treatment or through specially formulated take-home teeth bleaching materials which will be maintained over the months or a year. In case it did not take effect, dental veneers are the ultimate alternative to deal with the intrinsic stain.

What are the other causes of stained teeth? Age is one of the main causes of it. As you grow old, the teeth become  prone to becoming yellowish. Teenager’s teeth can immediately respond from whitening teeth treatments than the older ones. Moreover, some inborn tooth could have a yellow-brownish too. It can intensify over time up to greenish-gray. According to the experts, a yellow-brown tooth can respond even better to the bleaching treatment than green-gray.

Additionally, the smoking habits can cause a difficult to teeth stain. The nicotine could leave a brownish deposit that can penetrate the enamel and within causing intrinsic discoloration. Yet, this can be remedied by teeth bleaching. Some other causes of discolored teeth are from genetics. The more translucent and thin  tooth is, it can easily get darkened. This often found on the front teeth. Yet, according to the dentist, transparency cannot be treated with any type of teeth whitening. So with these, it’s important to maintain a dental consultation to avoid further damage of the enamel and tooth.